How does acupuncture work?
The short and sweet answer is that Acupuncture increases blood flow to promote healing.
Acupuncture and TCM have been providing healthcare for more than 2500 years. It is an old and tested system where we diagnose and indentify the pattern of disharmony. We then formulate a personalized and rational plan of action as to what should be treated first. We emphasize on the so called root of the problem and understand what is primary and what is secondary cause to a problem. This is a logical method which helps us chose the proper acupuncture point prescription for that particular person in that particular moment.
Most patients look for acupuncture with chronic problems and a combination of few different complains. Thus it is essential to understand which started first and which are simply manifestations of the “root” cause.
We are trained in diganosing the root cause and differentiating it form the manifestation symptoms. For example Headache is a symptom that manifests from few different root causes. And our main goal is to tackle the root causes and the headache will disspear as a symptom.
Acupuncture stimulates the brain to release endogenous opioids – our natural pain relievers – that’s why acupuncture is good for both acute and chronic pain.
Acupuncture stimulates the brain to release neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine – our “feel good” chemicals – that’s why acupuncture is good for anxiety, depression, and stress-related symptoms.
Acupuncture stimulates our central nervous system to release a cascade of anti-inflammatory chemicals throughout the body. As modern research begins to draw a connection between inflammation and many major diseases, researchers are looking more and more toward acupuncture as a drug-free approach to decreasing inflammation in the body.
There are thousands of randomized control trials – the gold standard of research – investigating how acupuncture works.